On July 17, 2019, Capital One became aware it suffered a data breach, exposing the personal information of around 106 million people due to a configuration vulnerability.
Among others, Personal information such as names, dates of birth, phone numbers, email addresses, addresses, zip codes/postal codes, and self-reported income were exposed.
Cybercrime has become a global epidemic and attackers are getting wealthier as a result of system vulnerabilities.
We are passionate about helping you to protect your businesses from hackers.
CCG software solutions called CheckMate together with Phen.AI, can help prevent this similar attack at Capital One.
Upon installation, Cognoscenti software tracks and monitors configuration and security changes throughout the enterprise and provides Continuous Diagnostics and Mitigation (CDM) in accordance with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) guidelines.
Cognoscenti is designed to work at the local and enterprise-level by installing individual smart autonomous “remote” auditors/sensors for the entire enterprise, even when mixed operating systems and appliances are present. There is a “central” management dashboard designed to consolidate sites and provide a single glass-panel review of your enterprise.
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